Engineering Economics Analysis (Part 1 of 2)

Engineering Economics Analysis (Part 1 of 2)

The main topics to be covered in part (1) are as follows (refer to the course contents for more details):
✓ Time Value of Money
✓ Economic Equivalence
✓ Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
✓ Commercial Loans
✓ Inflation
✓ Measuring the Worth of Investments
✓ Comparison of Investments

Private Course
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Responsible Admin Ace
Last Update 07/04/2023
Completion Time 12 hours 4 minutes
Members 62
  • Section 0: Officially Enrolled Students in this Course
    • Registration
    • Officially Enrolled Students in this Course
  • Section 1: Introduction
    • Lec. 1.1. Welcome
    • Lec. 1.2. Project Life Cycle Stages
    • Lec. 1.3. What is a Feasibility Study
    • Lec. 1.4. Feasibility Study Process
    • Lec. 1.5. What is Engineering Economic Analysis
    • Lec. 1.6. Engineering Economic Analysis Steps
    • Lec. 1.7. Cost Terminologies
    • Lec. 1.8. Topics to be covered in Part 1
    • Lec. 1.9. Course Management Recommendations
  • Section 2: Time Value of Money
    • 2.0. Data File(s)
    • Lec. 2.1. Time Value of Money Concept
    • Lec. 2.2. Cash Flow Diagrams
    • Lec. 2.3. Interest and Interest Rate
    • Lec. 2.4. Types of Interest Rate
  • Section 3: Economic Equivalence
    • 3.0. Data File(s)
    • Lec. 3.1. Economic Equivalence Concept
    • Lec. 3.2. Single Cash Flow
    • Lec. 3.3. Uniform Equal Series Cash Flow
    • Lec. 3.4. Uneven Irregular Series Cash Flow
    • Lec. 3.5. Arithmetic Linear Gradient Series Cash Flow
    • Lec. 3.6. Geometric Gradient Series Cash Flow
    • Lec. 3.7. - Composite Cash Flow
  • Section 4: Money Management
    • 4.0. Data File(s)
    • Lec. 4.1. Money Management Aspects
    • Lec. 4.2. - Multiple Compounding Periods Concept
    • Lec. 4.3. Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
    • Lec. 4.3A. Case 1 Approach 1
    • Lec. 4.3B. Case 2 Approach 2
    • Lec. 4.3C. Case 2 Approach 3
    • Lec. 4.3D. Case 3 Approach 4
    • Lec. 4.3E. Approaches Summary
    • Lec. 4.4. Changing Interest Rates
    • Lec. 4.5. Amortized Loans
    • Lec. 4.6. Add-On Loans
    • Lec. 4.7. Customized Loans
    • Lec. 4.8. Inflation
  • Section 5: Measuring worth of investments
    • 5.0. Data File(s)
    • Lec. 5.1. Project Cash Flow
    • Lec. 5.2. Measuring Worth of Investments Methods
    • Lec. 5.3. Payback Period Method
    • Lec. 5.4. Net Present Worth Method
    • Lec. 5.5. Net Future Worth Method
    • Lec. 5.6. Net Annual Worth Method
    • Lec. 5.7. Internal Rate of Return IRR Method
    • Lec. 5.7A1. IRR Direct Solution Method
    • Lec 5.7A2. IRR Trial and Error Method
    • Lec. 5.7A3. IRR Computer Solution Method
    • Lec. 5.7B. - IRR for NonSimple Investments
    • Lec. 5.7C. Limitations of IRR Method
    • Lec. 5.8. External Rate of Return Method
    • Lec. 5.9. Saving Investment Ratio Method
    • Lec. 5.10. Capitalized Equivalent Method
  • Section 6: Comparison of Investments
    • 6.0. Data File(s)
    • Lec. 6.1. Types of Projects Investments
    • Lec. 6.2. Independent and Mutually Exclusive Projects
    • Lec. 6.3. Ranking Approach
    • Lec. 6.4. Incremental Approach
    • Lec. 6.5. Analysis Period and Useful Life
    • Lec. 6.6. Time Span Equalizing
  • Section 7: Certificate of Completion
    • Certificate of Completion